A Fierce Green Fire." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
Trying to Move Towards Solar Energy: Today less than one tenth of the energy produced worldwide comes from solar panels. Solar panels are used to capture the sun's energy that it gives off and turns it into electricity. This way of capturing energy is extremely clean and if used properly could power entire towns and maybe cities, it also makes virtually no sound when in use. Today the US, Germany, and Japan are the leaders in the production and use of solar energy. The solar panel companies like SEIA are working on ways to improve solar energy and bring it to the majority of people in the US. Solar energy would be great replacement form coal energy when it creates no pollution wile coal burning emits harmful substances into the air and water. Hopefully one day the leading form of energy on the planet will be from solar panels.
One way to help would be to donate to the various solar companies and/or buy and install solar panels for your home or business.
One way to help would be to donate to the various solar companies and/or buy and install solar panels for your home or business.
- Cordel Bever