Monday, December 2, 2013

Progressive Era - The Jungle

1) What qualities did Sinclair believe a person must have to succeed in Packingtown?
2) According to the passage, what is the plant owner's main goal.
3) What does Sinclair mean when he says, "...there was no place in it where a man counted for      anything against a dollar....?"

1) He believed that people who had good character and worked hard would rise and become more successful in Packingtown. 
2) The plant owner's main goal was to get as much work as possible out of the workers.
3) He is saying that the owners of the meat packaging plants did not care for anything other than the money, and that they did not have any loyalty or decency towards their workers as long as they brought in the cash they could care less. US Government Regulations:
      The government now has a very large hold on the environment and tries to regulate what people do towards the environment. Through information from the Environmental Protection Agency we know that the government is trying to help the environment. The EPA focuses on trying to clean up water, air, waste, and chemical influences on the US. One way the EPA enforces these is by creating laws and acts that have a huge penalty if they are not followed, and EPA agents are allowed to investigate any business, corporation or industry that they think might be violating any of their laws.

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