Thursday, February 27, 2014

1920 News Show

News:Cordel Bever
"KSUM News this is Cordel Bever reporting from the steps of the Capital Building where the 19th amendment of the constitution was just passed. The state of Tennessee has ratified the amendment, bringing the total to 36 states.                    Women of the United States of America, women who are our sisters, our mothers, our neighbors, and the backbone of American society,                     Now have the right to vote. Crowds have gathered around the Capital Building. They are singing the Star-Spangled Banner. And women are hugging each other and weeping with joy. A group of women are holding a sign with a quote from Susan B. Anthony that reads 'No self respecting women should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex' and now the Republicans and Democrats will be fighting for new voters and the support of women. Later today I will be speaking with Alice Paul the leader of the National Woman's Party who is one of the most well known suffragists in America. We will get her reaction on the passage of the 19th amendment. Ladies and gentlemen today will go down in history as the day women have earned the right to take control of their own destinies.
Cordel Bever, KSUM News."

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